detail sep safety production committee (enlarged) meeting calls for full coverage, zero tolerance, severe punishment-pg电子娱乐官方网站

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sep safety production committee (enlarged) meeting calls for full coverage, zero tolerance, severe punishment

on the morning of march 22, 2021, sep party committee studied the current safety work and made the decision on strengthening current production safety work (decision). the company immediately called the main leaders of all departments and units together and held a safety production committee (enlarged) meeting that afternoon, to implement the decision of sep party committee the first time and fully deploy the safety work requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance and severe punishment". the company's party secretary and chairman hu jiandong attended the meeting and delivered a speech. president, deputy party secretary and director of safety production committee wei juliang presided over the meeting and read out the decision.

in his speech, hu stressed a few requirements as follows: first, insist on putting production safety in the first place, clearly understand the serious situation confronted by the current work safety, the existing problems and loopholes in work safety, and that work safety is the prerequisite and condition of all work, with the awareness that safety accidents are the biggest loss to the enterprise, and that once the other work conflicts with work safety in future, everything should make way for work safety, and leading cadres at all levels should put the responsibility of safety production first in the process of implementing "one post, double duties", and give priority to the study, deployment and execution of safety production work, and effectively carry out safety-first concept in all areas and links of reform and development, so as to form a total-staff, whole-process and all-round working situation of strict security; second, make every effort to solidify the foundation of work safety, learn from the lessons of the accidents seriously, highlight the work safety infrastructure, follow the work requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance and severe punishment", center around the intrinsic safety construction, carefully identify the occasional and inevitable factors that lead to the occurrence of the accidents, especially investigate the problems and loopholes existing in ideological awareness, responsibility implementation, construction organization, control of dangerous sources, contractor management, etc. comprehensively, dig deep into the essence and root causes of the problems, pay close attention to rectification and implementation, and lay a solid foundation for work safety; third, rapidly reverse the passive state of work safety, implement the responsibilities at all levels, move the defense line forward, focus on violations of regulations, remove hidden dangers, control risks, improve the relevant lists, persist in moving the focus of work downward to grasp the ending point and strengthen the basic safety, pay high attention to rectifying the safety hazards and violations in the areas of working at heights, live working, rotating equipment, restricted space, etc., actively mobilize and encourage the masses of workers to find out unsafe factors around them, and be brave enough to fight against hidden dangers of equipment and violations of regulations. regarding ineffective anti-violation management and inappropriate contractor management, all the relevant cases will be dealt with strictly and seriously according to the upper limit of the regulations. resolutely put an end to formalism and bureaucratism in safety management.

"safety comes from doing and also from managing," said wei. the leading cadres at all levels must go deep to the front line, pay close attention to the ending part, and conduct various work initiatives of "full coverage, zero tolerance and severe punishment" with a strong hand, unshakable determination, impartial judgment and solid working style. first, adhere to realizing the "full coverage" with a strong hand. since there is no "looker on" in front of safety, we should adopt iron-handed measures in the "full coverage", maintain the "correct posture", and ensure that we always remain the state "as if treading on the thin ice". never consider the lessons around us just as a "story". regarding the problems already found, learn how to draw inferences about other cases from one instance. second, stick to achieving the "zero tolerance" with unshakable determination. the more alarms we ring, the fewer sounds of weeping will be heard. we must steel our heart in the process of grasping "zero tolerance", let the idea that "strictness helps and indulgence spoils" be implemented all the time, make sure to prioritize strictness above all else in the work of anti-violation management, hidden danger investigation and treatment, risk control and contractor management, etc., start from the basics and details, and conduct the related work in a down-to-earth manner. third, insist on implementing "severe punishment" with impartial judgment. good performance of a company mainly depends on the leadership. sep stressed that the person responsible for touching the "red line of safety" shall be dealt with according to the upper limit of the relevant penalty provisions without mercy. the purpose of taking such severe measures is to make the leading cadres really recognize the utmost importance of work safety, take the lead to implement the "safety first, prevention first" policy of work safety, draw a clear-cut  "red line" of work safety from the bottom of the heart, and achieve the unity of knowledge and action.

all the members of the company's safety production committee, all the heads of the departments of the headquarters and above, the main persons in charge of the subsidiaries, and all the staff of production department, engineering management department and safety, quality and environmental protection department participated in the meeting at the main venue. the leading team members of various subsidiaries, all the department heads and above, and all the staff of work safety-related departments joined in the meeting at the branch venues.

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