detail liu xiangmin, wang yundan conduct research on hydrogen energy, pv power project in japan-pg电子娱乐官方网站

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liu xiangmin, wang yundan conduct research on hydrogen energy, pv power project in japan

from february 26-march 1, 2019, spic party leadership group member and vice president liu xiangmin led a delegation to japan to conduct a research on hydrogen energy and pv power project. spic science, technology and innovation department deputy director general zhao weiming, international business department deputy director general xu changjiang, central research institute president li lianrong and sep chairman wang yundan participated in the research.



during his stay in japan, liu xiangmin and his delegation attended the 15th international hydrogen and fuel cell expo, pv expo, wind expo, etc. they also visited japan china science, technology and culture center to conduct a symposium on hydrogen energy industry development in japan with the officials from new energy and industrial technology development organization (nedo) of japan, visited national institute for materials science (nims) of japan to conduct a survey on the situation of innovative companies and research progress of grapheme, and to tour the laboratory and micro-nanofabrication integration platform of advanced low-dimensional nanomaterials group as well as ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology (mext) next generation battery research center, and visited iwatani hydrogen refueling station with a test drive of hydrogen energy automobile.



during his inspection trip to the 30 mw tsukuba ibaraki agriculture-pv hybrid power plant developed by sep japan, liu and his delegation examined the intermediate substation, booster station and crop planting area successively, and learned about the cooperation on agriculture-pv hybrid power generation in detail. at the symposium, liu expressed thanks to the japanese government and local partners for their trust in spic and sep, and also appreciated all the staff on tsukuba pv power project for working overseas and making contributions to the project. he pointed out that spic pays special attention to clean energy development, and hoped sep japan to build tsukuba ibaraki agriculture-pv hybrid power plant into a classical project in the world, insist on strengthening cooperation and expanding market from the respects of compliance with japanese laws and regulations, continuous promotion of community harmony, and sustained improvement in energy efficiency, and add luster to the diplomatic ties and economic and trade cooperation between china and japan.


the related personnel from sep international business department and sep japan joined in the event.

