detail sep holds outstanding young employee forum-pg电子娱乐官方网站

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sep holds outstanding young employee forum

from june 12-14, 2019, sep held three outstanding young employee forum. sep party secretary and chairman wang yundan and deputy party secretary and labor union chairman gu ai attended the forum, which was presided over by the company's human resources department.



at the forum, wang yundan shared his thought on spic's "first-class strategy in 2035" and jykj system construction, and called on the outstanding young employees present to appreciate the situation, adapt to the trend, realize value creation, continue to strengthen their own capacity, and complete their career planning in accordance with the company's development strategy, in order to achieve joint value enhancement of both the enterprise and the individuals.


wang stressed that young employees are the main force for spic to realize the "first-class strategy in 2035", and that they should be down-to-earth, detail-oriented and problem-oriented at work, and find out their weakness and improve ability in line with the career development need. meanwhile, they should perfect their knowledge structure, be good at analysis and research and be brave to create and innovate, look at the problem from a strategic height, and enable themselves to grow and make progress.



gu ai put forward a few requirements for the outstanding young employees as follows: first, consolidate their ideal and belief; second, have a global perspective and strategic thinking; third, enhance the ability to learn, communicate and coordinate, solve the problem, handle business and implement; fourth, dare to shoulder responsibility, be brave to innovate and be good at accomplishing work; fifth, strengthen self-cultivation, and be strict with themselves in various respects such as work, study and life.


at the forum, 56 outstanding young employees recommended by sep headquarters and various affiliated companies made speeches on how to assist spic in the execution of "first-class strategy in 2035" and jykj system construction in sep, expounding their understanding of and thoughts on spic's strategy and jykj system construction combined with their own work respectively, expressing the readiness to make contribution to sep's objective of striving to become spic's pioneer and pacesetter in the strategy for the new era.





