detail spic wechat: sep sets record in japan-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic wechat: sep sets record in japan

at 5:58 am local time on april 1, 2021, the 47.52 mw sep nasukarasuyama pv power project was connected to the grid with full capacity in japan, seven months ahead of schedule, which set a record for the fastest construction of a pv power plant of its type in japan.

the project started construction officially on june 15, 2019. through the study of japan's feed-in tariff policy for pv power and in-depth analysis of the current situation of the project, the project team launched a "tariff defense war" against time, and successfully nailed down the electricity sales price of 40 yen and sales period of 20 years, which alone increased the annual revenue of the project by 1.2 billion yen and became a new profit growth point for sep japan.

during the construction period, the project stood major tests such as covid-19 epidemic in japan, four typhoon attacks and 42 earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or above. with courage and perseverance, the project team innovatively integrated the advantages of chinese construction enterprises, e.g., low cost, short construction period and high efficiency, into the project construction, gave full play to the strengths of china and japan in project construction management, and ensured "zero infection" on site, "zero casualties" in terms of safety and "no stagnation" in the construction period throughout the construction process.

as the largest pv power project in tochigi prefecture, japan, sep nasukarasuyama pv power project will provide 64 million kwh of green energy for the local community every year, achieving a multi-win situation for the local government, investors, builders and local residents.

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