detail spic website: sep tianji power plant redeploys battle against virus-pg电子娱乐官方网站

spic website: sep tianji power plant redeploys battle against virus

recently, sep tianji power plant conducted a new special research and redeployment on further improving the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.

the power plant conveyed the important instructions by general secretary xi jinping and deployment requirements for epidemic prevention and control by spic and sep, with a comprehensive analysis of the current epidemic prevention situation, and carried out thorough arrangement and deployment on various prevention and control measures and accomplishment of power supply safety in order to win the war of epidemic prevention and control before the resumption of work and production.

the power plant raised a few requirements for all the staff as follows: first, enhance the political awareness, implement the epidemic prevention and control work to the letter in strict accordance with the deployment of the party, state and the parent company, carry out accurate monitoring and detecting as well as rigid prevention and control, leaving no dead end; second, do a good job in work safety and power supply safeguarding during the epidemic according to the requirements of national energy administration, and complete the fuel supply and ash delivery work; third, the staff from the epidemic area shall not return to plant for the time being, while the staff from other areas shall perform 7-day isolation either at home or in the dormitory when they return to huainan, where the power plant is located, and sign the "commitment letter for isolation and observation", and general office and their respective departments of the plant shall do related connection work and provide logistics support for them. all the personnel entering the plant area for the first time after the spring festival holiday shall sign the "health commitment letter for work resumption"; fourth, intensify guidance with positive public opinion without believing or spreading rumors, and ensure the implementation of the "work manual on prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic of tianji power plant (official version)".

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